Do you really want to manifest your dreams, then you should continue reading this article.
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Go into the realm of the unlimited potential and possibilities and to manifest your life before you fall asleep one of the best times to purposefully create your life is as you are drifting off to sleep not only do you have a fantastic night's sleep when you are imagining and feeling like your dreams have already come true but it is an intensely powerful time as you are moving through Alpha Theater and then into Delta brainwaves.
If you have followed any of the wonderful Dr. Joe Dispenza's work you will be aware of the importance of creating your life as opposed to being a victim of it it is crucial to have some kind of vision for your life a direction you want to go we are powerful creators and it is a part of our joy to take the required responsibility for our creations. Ask yourself the question am I creating the worst case scenario for my life with my thoughts and feelings or am I creating the best case scenario are you knowing and believing in your unlimited potential and the possibility of fulfillment of your dreams or are you believing in limitation lack and boundaries gain momentum by maintaining a positive expectation for yourself.
For your life believe in yourself and in your connectedness to that which is greater than the individual walking the path towards your vision you don't have to know how your grid is going to fill in you don't have to know all the details of how your vision will unfold but you need to first be willing to see it to allow yourself to desire and dream to hear your soul speaking to you-you must be open to the possibility of your worthy and deserving nature to allow yourself to.
Step into the being you are becoming the most important thing to do is to allow yourself to dream allow yourself to believe and follow your path before you sleep is a magnificent opportunity to vision and spread your desired feelings into the infinite space of now so as responsible authentic beings write down what you want to create images for a moment that there are absolutely no limitations on your life experience just imagine what that would be like you can have been or do anything that brings you joy.
I am sure you have at least one area of your life you would like to be creative in it could be your career, health & fitness, romantic relationships, family spirituality , abundance travel& holiday or experiences you would like to have we will just choose one for the point of this exercise I want you to imagine that it has already occurred and you are already living it. Write your intentions down like it has already happened by using words such as I am I have and I can stay away from the words I will and I want as they will change your vibration to one of not yet having of lack and waiting none of which do we want to encourage additionally this is how we become resonant with our desires.
We align to them by developing the capacity to vibrate at the same frequency of them we are saying to the universe this is me this is who I am this is what is in my life so bring on that which is equal to this frequency. That is how the law of attraction works. So, think about your dreams and desires in the context of now this very present moment what are you doing I can be wavy and healthy, I can live with pride and confidence to anything, and what are you feeling I am. You are living it now so you can also write about how it feels to be there what are the main feelings you expect to experience when you are living your dreams.
Do you expect to feel joy and happiness? Do you expect to feel grateful? Do you feel loved connected? That's what you need to write down how you expect to feel when it has become and it is done take the time you need to complete this exercise for you once, you have completed the visioning exercise. Now use to create your reality meditation to take you forward into that new place of being and walk through the doors of the unlimited and unbounded potential that exists in the infinite space. That is within and around you. You are a part of source (includes everything every single potential the infinite has within it) within you so you are connected to all of those potentials they exist within you also it is simply a matter of choosing what you would like to experience in the space of the infinite and holding true to that potential remember following your joy and taking inspired action will always lead you along the path of fulfillment and to success.
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